Name: Hamid Naderi Yeganeh
Which came first in your life, the science or the art?
The science.
Which sciences relate to your art practice?
Mathematics. I love to create beautiful images by using basic mathematical concepts.
What do you use to create your artworks?
In order to create each of them I write a computer program. Sine and cosine are the most used mathematical functions in my artworks.
Artwork/Exhibition you are most proud of:
Mathematical birds, human faces and plants.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
I believe mathematics is an international culture. Mathematics can help us to promote peace and love between nations.

About the Author

Alex Pedersen
Alex is a critical scholar and social scientist. During her degrees, Alex recognized a dearth of knowledge transfer between the academy and the general public. To address this gap, she extends her empirical research through multiple mediums including: publications, formal lectures, public speaking events, radio, theatre and photography. In diversifying access to her research, Alex honed a unique set of skills to plan, design and produce events for a wide variety of audiences. To date, she was responsible for several successful lecture series, community events and fundraisers across diverse settings. Most notably, Alex organized and implemented the 2015 Chancellor Dunning Trust Lectureship and was an advisor for the “Free Queen’s” Steering Committee (an initiative encouraging graduates to bring their work to the wider public). In addition, she has written numerous successful grant applications. An activist at heart, Alex advocates for critical thinking in and beyond academic institutions.