Name: Lauren Hewitt
Which came first in your life, the science or the art?
The science! As a kid I was always outside looking for bugs to study or asking my parents 100 questions about how the world works. I knew from a young age that I wanted to study the brain, and I had an incredible biology teacher in 6th grade who really encouraged my passion for science. As a first-generation college student, I actually had no idea that being a biologist was a career path, so I thought I wanted to study medicine. My first year at university I joined a behavioural neuroscience lab and knew I wanted to be a neuroscientist! I am now in my 4th year of pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, and it’s been pretty fantastic.

Which sciences relate to your art practice?
I create science art that I hope is approachable to anyone wanting to learn about any science discipline. A lot of my work initially started as neuroscience and brain-centric, but I’ve slowly grown my SciArt initiative Stitching Hew to incorporate more sciences like microbiology, geology, and even mathematics. My biggest goal is to foster childlike curiosity about how the world works and create resources that help people explore that curiosity through hand embroidery art.
“My biggest goal is to foster childlike curiosity about how the world works and create resources that help people explore that curiosity through hand embroidery art.”
Lauren Hewitt

What materials do you use to create your artworks?
Stitching Hew artworks are mostly fibre art with an emphasis on hand embroidery. I also like to incorporate punch needle pieces as well as add watercolour embellishments! I’m a scientist at heart, so I honestly love experimenting with materials whenever I can, especially in a sustainable sense. I’m always experimenting ways to use the thread scraps and fabric scraps I save from finished products. I am currently working on a series for educating others about organ systems using thread scrap embroidery pieces!
“I’m a scientist at heart, so I honestly love experimenting with materials whenever I can”
Lauren Hewitt

Artwork/Exhibition you are most proud of:
I would have to say I am most proud of my first exhibit in 2018 at the Society for Neuroscience conference, where Christine Liu and Tera Johnson graciously invited me to exhibit my art at the Two Photon booth. I received so much community support; it was incredibly humbling to see that people really loved what I was doing by combining science and embroidery art. I’ve actually never done a formal exhibit, but hopefully sometime in the future I will!

Which scientists and/or artists inspire and/or have influenced you?
There are too many to name! I feel so fortunate to be a part of a phenomenal community that is so supportive of celebrating the similarities between science and art.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Stitching Hew is working on a really exciting project titled “The 100 Neuron Project,” where I am embroidering and describing 100 different types of brain cells, or neurons, from different organisms and brain areas. So far, I have planned out all 100 of the neurons and have 50+ embroidered. You can follow along with this project on the Stitching_Hew Instagram or my website! This is a collection I hope will tour someday; I think it very elegantly shows how incredible and diverse the cells of the brain are!

For more by Lauren Hewitt, visit her website, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
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